So. I've always wanted to start one of these things; these blog things. But I know myself and it's the sort of thing I'm not sure I would keep up. But I'm at a point in my life where I need change. I need to do something different. Something I wouldn't normally do. Something I'm maybe not so good at. I need to start setting goals for myself so I have something to work toward achieving. This [achieving goals], believe it or not, is not something I've ever been very good at mostly because I'm a huge procrastinator and was always a lazy student. But I want to believe that who ever came up with the saying "You can't teach an old dog new tricks" was full of it.
There are heaps of changes and goals I'm ready to make in my life, finally! I'm 24, I think it's about time. So I guess this could be a good place to start; a good place to keep my brain working and share my thoughts and interests and things that make me happy and things that make me not so happy with you.
Goal number 2, I'm going to apply to school. I'm really happy I'm finally sure of what I want to do with my life, career-wise, anyway. Natural Nutrition is something I've become really passionate about over the last year or so- but not obsessive about, I still eat crappy food sometimes and don't excercise nearly as much as I should. But I think my passion for nutrition in general started 3+ years back when I quit eating meat. And then even more so when I quit smoking cigarettes 8 months after that. But don't worry, I'm not going to spend this blog preaching about nutrition and dietetics and how I think you should quit those disgusting, stinky cancer sticks, I do that enough anyway and I think I drive some of my friends crazy with it (sorry Heather). But don't think I won't touch on the N word at all in the future. You can bet your ass I'll talk lots about it. After all, it is what I want to make my life out of.
Okay so in case I've bored you half to death already with my life goals, I'll give it a rest. I'm going to talk about the past now. Starting with this past weekend. Friday was Halloween and after what seemed like the longest, busiest and most stressful days at work EVER, I had one of the funnest nights in a long time. It was also my first ever Halloween party at a house where I live, and you can count on many more to come. I think it's safe to say it's a good party house, and if you missed it, you'll just have to catch the next one! I probably went a little overboard on the booze, I'm told I had a glass of wine and a beer in my hands at all times, and according to the photos I've shown up in, it's true ( I do not recommend this mix unless you're up for the consequences), and unfortunately some of both said fluids ended up on the carpet on both ends of the house at one point or another(oops!). I'm also told I fell down the stairs.... explains the mysterious bruises. I don't drink very often so when I do I like to go all out, I guess. It's more fun that way! The next morning, not so fun. I felt like I'd been steamrolled and then thrown into a swamp. But SBD was a lifesaver and cooked up a storm of a breakfast and it satisfied my tummy for the rest of the day. Thanks Sarah!
I wish I had my own photos from the night to share, but I'm poor and my new camera didn't come with a memory card and it holds a whole 6 photos IF I'm lucky, so these few are from friends' cams and phones and were all taken earlier in the night before things got real silly. Oh and p.s., I know my 'costume' was lame, I wasn't trying to fool anyone.
So this week is going to be rad! 3 days of work, then a day to myself and then off to Montreal for the weekend for my first time in YEARS to visit my wonderful friend Jeffrey Hackett and catch up with my cousin Alexis about her recent 10 day, 1st class 'Au Pair-ish' trip to Egypt, working for a billionaire. Her job? Speaking english to his children and getting treated like gold and diamonds and basically a goddess by their servants, not to mention paid heaps of money. Oooh my life sucks all of a sudden.
yay welcome
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